Sunday, January 30, 2011

Live your dreams: My craft projects

Live your dreams: My craft projects: "CUP COZIES FIRST Take a sweater that is either wool or cashmere wash it and dry it several times cut the ends of the sleeves and fit..."

Sunday, January 23, 2011 girl,my rock,my love ,my future

This is my angel in all sense of the word Jazz came into my life when I was very young ,into a marrriage that was unstable with motherhood as far from my mind than anything .....but who knew that she would be my angel giving me the strength to move on from a life not fit for any woman .

Jazz was born with several issues  growing up requiring several surgeries , the last one at 14 which left her wheelchair bound for life , she fights to use her hands and is deaf .

It has been a long journey with my angel a single mom raising her and her brother but it has all paid off

Jazz started college this year and hopes to councel other special need individuals.....I am so proud!

She lives in residence with a roomate and is doing fantastic

She is truley my inspiration in life ,never feeling sorry for herself and always full of laughter ,she is my rock always offering advice to her mom when she needs it ....she keeps me grounded when I start to complain ....she is simply amazing  ....without her none of my dreams would be possible .

Saturday, January 22, 2011

My dream dog Levi

Now I lay me down to sleep,
The king-size bed is soft and deep.                                     
I sleep right in the center groove
My human being can hardly move!
I've trapped her legs, she's tucked in tight
And here is where I pass the night
No one disturbs me or dares intrude
Till morning comes and "I want food!"
I sneak up slowly to begin
my nibbles on my human's chin.
She wakes up quickly,
I have sharp teeth-
I'm a puppy, don't you see?
For the morning's here
and it's time to play
I always seem to get my way.
So thank you Lord for giving me
This human person that I see.
The one who hugs and holds me tight
And shares her bed with me at night!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Dreams that are already my reailty

My dream man,treats me like gold ....loves life .....good heart ...when im with him I am in a dream were goin on our 6th year and I still go weak in the knees every time i see him

One of the many dreams I want to accomplish this year

Yup most people's dreams include a million dollar home  with a pool .

Me nope I want to transform an old barn into the home of my dreams .Not this one in particular but I am yet to find the one that is just right.

Ok so now i know my dream what do I have to do to achieve it....well...thats where the work comes in

*  clear up my credit
* find some land...purchase it ,pay for it
                                                                                     * build or rebuild

Dream #1     Im determined to make it happen this is the year follow me on my quest for dream seeking